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[GWICC2012]心脏康复:心血管治疗的短板——美国斯坦福医院Murray Low教授专访

作者:M.Low 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/11/28 18:02:34    加入收藏
 关键字:定性心绞痛 心肌梗死 心脏康复治疗 

  美国心脏康复患者包括六类: 稳定性心绞痛患者、心肌梗死后患者、冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)后患者、支架置入术后患者、心瓣膜置换/修补术后患者和心脏移植患者。目前,老年医疗保险将覆盖这六类患者。尽管众多心力衰竭患者从心脏康复中获益极大,但目前他们的心脏康复治疗并未纳入医疗保险范围。因此,美国心肺康复协会正努力与政府协商,将心力衰竭患者心脏康复治疗纳入医疗保险范围。
  研究显示,人体增加一个MET (即身体静息状态下的代谢当量或氧气量), 死亡率可降低13%~15%。如果人们完成心脏康复,通常可以增加20%~30%的氧容量,这是死亡率降低25%的原因。据最新统计结果显示,在CABG和药物治疗基础上,如果患者完成整个阶段的心脏康复训练,死亡率下降50%左右。如果人们参加体育锻炼,减轻压力以及合理饮食,将可能避免心血管死亡。
  International Circulation: What are some of the target populations for cardiac rehabilitation and what kind of cardiac disease patients should be included in cardiac rehabilitation plans?
  Dr. Murray Low: In the United States, we have six populations: those who have a diagnosis of stable angina,are status post-myocardial infarction, are status post-coronary bypass surgery,or stents, or valve replacement and repair, and, of course, heart transplant. Right now, medicare for senior citizens will cover those six diagnoses. My colleagues and I in the American Association of Coronary and Pulmonary Rehab are working hard with the government and Medicare to also include patients with heart failure. We see this as a huge population that could benefit immensely from cardiac rehab but is, right now, not a population where medicare will reimburse you for those services.
  International Circulation: My next question is about psycho-therapy for cardiac rehab. You mentioned services like counseling, meditation, or physical activity may help. What are the roles of psychological support in cardiac rehab?
  Dr. Low: The cardiac and pulmonary rehab act was passed in 2008 and implemented in 2010. Within that act there are two interesting programs called intensive cardiac rehabilitation. Those programs are the Dr. Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease and the Nathan Pritikin Program. The Dr. Dean Ornish program especially focuses on the psychological component of coronary disease. We cannot just look at the exercise training, which forms the basis of cardiac rehab and is quite effective, but we also know that people need to deal with the psycho-social part.  For example, we offer yoga and meditation. We offer group support, which is led by a clinical social worker. People come to us as depressed and lonely, dealing with issues that, although cerebral issues, have physicals effects on their body, heart, and vascular system. People in high stress are going to release a lot of catecholamines, high blood pressue. Getting people to relax results in stress reduction. Sharing their feelings and emotions can reduce some of the depression that comes with coronary artery disease.
  International Circulation: What are some of the primary factors which effect the outcomes of cardiac rehab?
  Dr. Murray Low:  According to our most high-powered publications, if we can increase people’s physical work capacity—their cardiac fitness—we have data that shows for every one MET (metabolic equivalent,or the amount of oxygen our body uses at rest) increase we see anywhere from a 13%~15% reduction in mortality. We typically can increase aerobic capacity by 20%~30%, which is why meta analyses show reductions in morality of about 25%, if people complete cardiac rehab. The most current research we have shows a reduction in mortality of close to 50% for people who complete the 36-session program. That is on top of having CABG, taking medication, and this is added  to the benefit of attending cardiac rehab. If we can get people to do physical training, to do stress reduction, to modify their food, then I can say,with my 30-years experience,that they will probably die of something other than coronary disease. We all will succumb to something.
  International Circulation: How do we get cardiologists to start applying or recommending cardiac rehab to their patients?
  Dr. Murray Low: In my hospital, I do cardiology grand rounds and medical grand rounds to show them what they understand best: evidence-based medicine. Show the research and the power of the science behind it. Reeducate them. The problem with medical schools, and I teach some third year students from Columbia, is that they are never exposed to the efficacies of cardiac rehab. I think it is an education process. We have had important papers published in all the major journals indicating that cardiac rehab is a class IA recommendation. It is a performance measure that every doctor needs to practice when working with cardiac patients. I am seeing a real change as more physicians learn more and are educated about the science behind this. That life style change is as powerful as anything they prescribe and may indeed be more powerful.


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