<International Circulation>: My first question concerns the fact that your mentor won the Nobel Prize just yesterday. Could you please comment on this? What can tell us about your research with Dr. Lefkowitz? 《国际循环》:我的第一个问题,是有关于您的导师昨天刚刚获得诺贝尔奖的。请问您对此有何评论? 能否与我们谈一下您与莱夫科维茨博士的研究? Dr. Koch: I was actually here in Beijing when I got the news. My phone went crazy, people emailed me, congratulating me that I had the honor to work with Dr. Lefkowitz. I am sure he is very excited. I haven’t spoken with him yet. He gets to the share the prize with one of his former post-docs who worked with 80s. Together, they cloned the beta receptor and recently, Dr. Kobilka?crystallized the beta-2 adrenergic receptor. The prize was given for uncovering how these receptors work and identifying their class. This is great. Koch博士: 得到这个消息的时候我恰巧正在北京。我的电话快要被打爆了,还有很多人给我发电子邮件,他们向我表示祝贺,祝贺我有幸与莱夫科维茨博士共同工作。虽然我还没有与他通电话,但我相信他一定很兴奋。他与80年代和他在一起工作的前博士后科比卡尔博士共同分享这个奖项。最近他们共同克隆了β受体,也就是他们的心血结晶β-2肾上腺素受体。这个奖是授予揭示了这些激素受体究竟由什么构成及其工作原理的科学家。这棒极了。 <International Circulation>: As this is the first time the Basic CardioVascular Sciences (BCVS) is collaborating with the Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology, what future do you see between these two organizations? 《国际循环》:这是心血管基础科学(BCVS)第一次与长城国际心脏病会议合作, 您如何看待这两个组织之间的合作前景? Dr. Koch: We are very hopeful. This was an idea we launched at the national American Heart Assocation (AHA) meeting last November in Orlando. We would like it to be a relationship that works both ways. The basic science council of the AHA meets every summer in July. This year in New Orleans, we had a BCVS and Chinese satellite meeting. We had a the BCVS session this morning. We certainly expect this to become a yearly tradition, with different speakers coming every year. However, we would also like to do more with our summer meeting, to incorporate the Chinese-BCVS into the meeting instead of a satellite meeting. It is a great time to do cardiovascular research in China and we want our scientists to take advantage of that as well to share in the knowledge and research. Koch博士:我们对将来的合作充满希望。这个想法是我们在去年11月在奥兰多举办的美国心脏学会(AHA)会议中提出的。我们希望彼此之间的合作是双向的。我们在每年夏天的7月份举办基础科学年会。今年在新奥尔良, 我们举办了BCVS和中国卫星会议。今天早上我们也进行了BCVS讲习会。我们当然期望这成为每年都有新的观点来参与的传统年会。然而, 我们将为我们的夏季会议做更多的工作,让Chinese-BCVS来现场参加会议而不仅是参加卫星会议。这是在中国做心血管研究的好机会, 我们希望我们的科学家们利用这个机会来分享他们的知识和研究成果。
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