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[GWICC2012]中美携手,共同推进心脑血管疾病防治——AHA主席Donna K Arnett专访

作者:D.K.Arnett 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/10/12 13:19:10    加入收藏
 关键字:预防 脑卒中 非传染性疾病 钠摄入量 

  International Circulation: Here is China a commonly used ingredient is MSG and you can find that in pretty much everything you eat. How do you feel about the differences between regular sea salt intake versus monosodium glutamate?
  Dr Arnett: All salt is essentially sodium and so when you look at their effects on blood pressure they are really going to be equivalent in terms of their blood pressure effects. We really need to work to reduce the sodium in the diet whether it is sodium chloride or MSG.
  International Circulation: What kinds of antihypertensive drugs are most effective in reducing the risk of stroke?
  Dr Arnett: The most recent large scale study that was done in the US to address that question, the ALLHAT study, really found that the ACE inhibitors, diuretics, calcium antagonists and alpha-receptor blockers were all pretty much equally effective. I think the real key is getting your blood pressure to goal which may mean that it takes more than one of those agents to get you to a goal blood pressure of <120/80mmHg. I think there is not one superior agent but finding the right drug, the right dose and combining it with other drugs. In terms of cost, all of those products are now off patent so they have really dramatically reduced in price.
  Arnett博士:ALLHAT研究是美国最近完成的大规模临床研究,正好能够回答这个问题。ACEI、利尿剂、钙拮抗剂和a受体阻滞剂在减少卒中方面几乎同样有效。我认为真正的关键是让血压达标,这可能意味着需要采取不止一个措施来让目标血压小于120/80 mmHg。找到合适的药物、正确的剂量并联合使用是最紧迫的。在成本方面,现在所有这些产品专利都到了限期,极大地降低了价格。
  International Circulation: As the AHA’s first epidemiologist President, what perspectives do you hope this will bring to your leadership?
  Dr Arnett: I am just delighted to be the first epidemiologist. Being an epidemiologist, I am really concerned about prevention and so from my perspective it is really about taking my lifelong passion for prevention and driving that message home in every place I visit.

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